Do you know Dylan Sprouse ?

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Dylan Sprouse. Do you know him ? are you a fan of him ? A lot of people like him, but some doesn't. Who is Dylan? Dylan is a hot, funny teen actor. Wait. I'm not going to tell you. This is a quiz to see if you know him or not, I'm not just gunna tell you the answers.

Do YOU know DYLAN SPROUSE ? I know you wanna know if you know him, because you're taking the quiz now. Just go answer those few question and you'll know if you know him or not. HAVE FUN.XD

Created by: Jenn.
  1. When is his bday ?
  2. His favorite genre in music ?
  3. His favorite genre in music ?
  4. What do Dylan like the most out of these ?
  5. Which one does Dylan like ?
  6. What is Dylan's nickname ?
  7. His favorite kind of food ?
  8. What is Dylan's French Bulldog's name ?
  9. Dylan's favorite instrument ?
  10. His favorite pizza topping ?
  11. When did he start acting ?
  12. Dylan's favorite season ?
  13. His favorite dessert ?
  14. What is Dylan's favorite amusement park ?
  15. What are Dylan scared of ?
  16. What is Dylan's horoscope ?
  17. Dylan's favorite fast food place ?
  18. What's Dylan's favorite holiday ?
  19. What's Dylan's brother's name ?
  20. What's his middle name ?
  21. When was Dylzan's first kiss ?
  22. What does his dad call him ?
  23. His favorite time of the day ?
  24. What food does Dylan hate ?
  25. What's Dylan's birthstone ?
  26. What's his favorite animal ?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Dylan Sprouse ?