Could you be a millionare? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Could you be a millionare?
Considering the fact that my school system stinks, and my tutor only teaches me math because I'm fab at all of the other subjects, that gives you no reason to call me an idiot. My score was thirty percent but I might learn the answers in years to come. Now here's proof I'm smart.
-the native american indians were originally from asia and came over on an ice bridge that melted during the iceage meltdown, leaving them stranded here.
-A writing piece: The girl had stunning ginger hair that glimmered like the millions of galaxies in space. Her skin was so pale it was almost a transparent mist. Standing there, in the freezing atmosphere of the snow in the dawn of January, the girl was depressed. No, it wasn't a hobby of hers. She had wistnessed the horror of seeing a ghost, scarier than bloody murder. The girl never spoke again, she was speechless, like a willow tree.
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