alltimelowluver's Profile

Joined on Jul 15, 2009
Status Level: Novice
alltimelowluver's Quizzes
- How insanium in the cranium are you?[published: Jul 23, 2009, 10 comments]
Some people think they are insane. I would agree with that. But no one has ever thought of……
alltimelowluver's Recent Posts
"umm I thought this was about f---ing valentines day!!!!! oh wellz! chef boyardee... boy this stuff is good!"
"no that's disgusting u know how much fat is in that?! and it's a poor innocent chicken!"
"amazingly awesome!! f---ing stoked!!!"
"lol yah we're like all very very closeby eachother!!!"
"shneikies!!!!! I live in Massachusetts!!!! and I hate it here!"
"I got drunk over the summer and an old rapsit skateboarder dude popped out if the woods when I was walking down to mcdonalds... i don't want..."
"my parents rarely drink (well except for my dad now but he hasn't drank anythig in awhile) and I turned out to be a druggy"
"oh well it's only hidden cuz my dad has been drinking it like non stop lately!!! sooo guess where hid it... in mah room cuz she thinks i won..."
"hehe good thing I kno where my mom hides the alcohol! "
"haha vodka party at my place! woot woot!!!"
"whoa f---! that's a downer... *goes and and gets beer to forget what just happened*"
"BIITCH!!! there we go "
"wow what a b----!!! gawd if someone ever told me that I would beat the s--- out of them cuz that is the lowest thing someone could ever do....."
"I'm mad rly bad but don't tell my mom and dad pucker up kiss the nut cuz it sells to be a slut hear the bass skinny waist now we copy poker ..."
alltimelowluver's Recent Quiz Comments
"dammit now i gotta watch out for random things falling out of the sky!!!!
nicee quiz! :D"
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"sugar is in othr things other than candy *energy drinks* hehe Thor have s--- loads of sugar in them and i have them every day!!!!!! woooot!"
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"56% i think he likes me! he tried holding my hand during a movie in class today!!! and he asked me to a dance!!!! omg i love him sooooo…"
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"wtf b or t??? nuh uh his name starts wit p!!!!"
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"Well my name isn't kaya or whatever it was but I am a Virgo and can be quite random! So other than the name it was alright!"
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"10 fricken starzzz!!!!!!! i got medium!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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"omfg i love these quizzes!!! i got adam again!!! and yah hurry with part 3!!"
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"i got heart! thats true becuz if i follew my mind... bad things would happen lol"
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"me gots extremely weird!!!! i bet my dog is so proud!!!!"
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"i got hot and nerdy!!! lol awesome"