Could we play toghether (I need friends...)

Listen, I need friends, I am bored and running desperate. This quiz is an absolute waste of time made by me that will tell you if we could play together and be friends.

So, take the quiz, (or not) and find out if we could possibly fit together. Have fun and enjoy the waste of time that is this quiz that I made, once again, instead of homework.

Created by: Agent
  1. What kind of player are you?
  2. What games do you play?
  3. What console?
  4. Do you even wanna play with people.
  5. What continent are you on?
  6. When you are playing, what are you looking for?
  7. Are you openned for new experiences?
  8. Would you like to make a game on scratch?
  9. What kind of games are you looking for?
  10. Do you enjoy horror games?

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