TTRPG Archetype Quiz

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This quiz was created with the intention of helping people discover and analyze how they interact with Table Top Role-Playing Games. The results of this quiz are meant to help you discover what your preferred play style is.

While lots of people like to play TTRPGs, not everyone engages with the game in the same way, and this can cause tension in TTRPG groups. With the results of this quiz, we hope people can figure out how they like to play so they can find people they can have fun playing with.

Created by: The Sams
  1. Which pillar of TTRPGs do you enjoy the most?
  2. How do you approach Combat?
  3. How do you approach Roleplay?
  4. How do you approach Exploration?
  5. What type of character do you like to play?
  6. How often do you make new characters?
  7. How do you approach making a new character?
  8. What is your weapon of choice?
  9. How do you like your campaigns to be run?
  10. What is your goal while playing TTRPGs?
  11. How do you feel about the written rules of TTRPGs?
  12. How do you feel about consequences for your actions in the game?
  13. What is your go to method when dealing with NPCs (not enemies)?
  14. How important is making sure everyone at the table is having fun to you?
  15. How do you interact with your Game Master?
  16. How do you interact with your fellow players?
  17. How do you interact with the game itself?
  18. One of your fellow players has been cursed and turned into a worm. What do you do?
  19. A bully has stolen your sweet roll. What do you do?
  20. You see a creature minding their business. What do you do?
  21. You are participating in a talent show. What do you do?
  22. An ancient being has recruited you to start a cult in their name. What do you do?
  23. Your sibling has been eaten by a dragon. What do you do?
  24. You have been bestowed great power. What do you do?
  25. If at first you don’t succeed…

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