Could we be long lost identical twins?

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So…. I have friends who are twins and that got me wondering (specifically when I was talking to my friend who is a twin) if I could have a twin. (Specifically the twin I was talking to and her sister was okay with it so I guess unofficially I have a twin)

Could you be my long lost twin? Or are you just another bored person who stumbled across this quiz and thought “you know what I’m bored so why not uncover a secret I’ve been dying to know!” Or maybe you thought “screw it” that’s okay too.

Created by: BoldNotCold
  1. What color are your eyes?
  2. What color is your hair
  3. Do you naturally have a lot of freckles?
  4. Are you pale while your family is like really tan?
  5. Do you have a short torso and long legs?
  6. Are you short for your age (like 4’11 at 12)
  7. What is your age?
  8. Do you have ADHD/ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder/ Attention Deficit Disorder)?
  9. Are you flexible
  10. Will you rate and comment?
  11. Choose a fate

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