Are you like me?

Hi, have you ever wanted a twin, a twin that you’ve never met before? Who knows, we might be twins! Take the quiz to find out! Please also give good ratings!

Welcome back, I don’t have much to say, but this quiz doesn’t need personal details. It is 15 questions and will ask about your life and some scenarios.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Favourite colour?
  2. Age range?
  3. When are you most productive?
  4. What grades do you get on exams (or used to)?
  5. Favourite subject?
  6. What do you hate in Maths?
  7. Most hated food?
  8. Nationality?
  9. You can eat anything you want. What will you eat?
  10. How’s your weight?
  11. How’s your height?
  12. Today is the last day of your life. What would you do?
  13. Dream Job?
  14. Gender?
  15. This is the last question. What will you do next?

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?
