Which Weasley twin would date you?

Are you wondering: "If i was in Harry Potter, which of the Weasley twins would be more interested in me?" or "Would i be match for one of the weasley twins?"

Well think no more! Because this is the quiz for you! This quiz will tell you which Weasley twin would go for you if you ever popped up in Hogwarts one day!

Created by: @KatMs
  1. Fred and George both ask you to the Yule ball, same time, same place. Which would you rather go to the yule ball with
  2. The twins are doing a prank, they asked you to join them, what do you say?
  3. Hermione asks you to go to the beach, you can invite ONE person, who do you invite?
  4. You got detention with the twins, since they aren't allowed to be together in detentions, you have to pick one of them
  5. Lets say you go to the yule ball with them both, Fred is wearing a suit with an orange and red bowtie, whereas George is wearing a grey suit with a blue bowtie, you are wearing a green dress, what colour of corsage are you wearing?
  6. What house are you in?
  7. Whats your gender?
  8. Molly invited you to the burrow for christmas, when you get there Fred is sitting on the left side of the couch, while George is in the middle of the couch, with a space between George and the end of the couch and a space between Fred and George
  9. Its the battle of hogwarts, Fred just d1ed, George is crying over his twin brother.
  10. Which twin is your favourite?

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