Who are you Harry Potter quiz. EK9

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In this quiz you have to answer which ever question you feel is like you in the end you will see who you get good luck random person/stranger make sure to love ❤ my quiz please🥺

You will rather be Harry Potter. Hermione Granger. Ronald Weasley or Ginny Weasley. What ever answer you give will contribute towards who you get like if you like candy you might get points towards a certain person. Goodluck give me a like.

Created by: EK9
  1. If lord Voldemort was about to preform the avada kedavra curse on my best friend I would...
  2. If I could do anything I would rather
  3. If i was lost in the middle of nowhere and couldn’t use magic I would...
  4. I think my patchernous charm would be...
  5. If I could be in any position in quidditch I would be a...
  6. The Harry Potter house I would want to be in is...
  7. I would rather...
  8. If Lord Voldemort came to my house I would
  9. If Bellatrix Lestrange was battling me I would...
  10. This is my last day alive I will spend it by

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Quiz topic: Who am I Harry Potter quiz. EK9
