Life and Love at Hogwarts - Pt 1

This quiz is technically another of those regular Hogwarts Love Story quizzes. Don't expect very much from me. But if you like it, great! Leave a comment and rate after you're done!!! (Btw, girls only, but if you're a boy I can't do anything to stop you!)

So the results are Oliver Wood, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley and Cedric Diggory. Sorry, no Draco! I can't bear him as a love interest. You can leave now if you want to!!!

Created by: TheFanFicWriter
  1. You sat down, humming, staring out the window. You were surprisingly happy due to what happened the previous year and spending an entire school holidays' at St. Mungo's, but that was because Uncle Remus had put a Cheering Charm on you. Things had brightened up now - for no reason. Tonks had come very concerned with a few gifts to try to lift your mood, but you had already been bouncing about the house. The platform outside was still very crowded, and no sign of your friends yet. "(y/n)?" You quickly whipped around, hoping it was-
  2. It was Cho! You had met her last year when you had openly decided to embarrass Cedric as a joke by floating up in the library and trying to ask Cho out for Cedric. The joke still wasn't old, so you could still use it. Cho sat down. "Marietta still hasn't arrived yet," she sighed, "so I might as well hang out with you for a bit. You feeling alright?" You-
  3. Cho left after a while, and it wasn't long before you heard three familiar voices from the hallway. You smiled cheekily and poked your head out. The three didn't even hesitate to notice you. "(y/n)!" Hermione shrieked as Harry and Ron blushed shyly. "We've checked almost every compartment for you - and - who's this?" Hermione asked, pointing at your uncle. "My uncle," you said, "he's teaching at Hogwarts." Hermione grinned. "Let me guess, Defence Against the Dark Arts," she grinned. Ron frowned. "How is it she knows everything? She knows literally-" Hermione scowled, cutting him off. "Well, clearly there's only a missing space, and only the DADA professors have been coming and going," she scoffed.
  4. After chatting a while, the topic changed to Sirius Black. You froze, turned pale slightly and turned the other way. "(y/n)?" Hermione asked, noticing immediately. "Hm?" you said, pretending nothing had happened. "You look a little scared. Is there a problem with the Black problem going around?" You turned around, still a little pale, but braver. "What? No," you scoffed, "I can deal for myself just fine, I'll cast hexes if needed." Though, behind the fake grin you were putting on you knew truly inside Black was your uncle - and it scared you. As much as everyone said he was after Harry, it was possible he was after you as well.
  5. Still staring out the window, you had a creepy feeling something was going to happen. Silently getting up, you went away to the washroom. Hermione didn't want to ask, afraid that she'd make you feel uncomfortable. You turned on the tap, for no reason. Watching the water flow, you stared silently into the running water. Strangely, the water froze slowly. The last bits of water didn't flow down the drain, but froze where it was, and the water running froze in the middle. Frowning, you shut it, then turned it on again, but it made no movement. "Strange," you muttered. Just as you left, the lights flickered, then shut off. The train slowly stopped, and a bump ran through the train. You fell into an unknown carriage, then quickly muttered, "Lumos."
  6. "(y/n)?" You shrieked slightly as a familiar voice said your name and as Wood's face (your Quidditch Team Captain) appeared in the light. "Sorry," Wood apologised, flushing red. "No, don't be-" you quickly paused, turning red. An awkward silence. Wood's friends were grinning, trying to stiffle laughs, but failing miserably. You looked outside. A cloaked figure was floating outside, gnarly, slimy hands only shown. You turned pale, and froze for a moment before you took action. You slipped out of the compartment without a word, then, hiding around a corner, you took your Animagus form. A pretty Calico cat. The Dementor wouldn't sense you that way. You only seemed like a shadow, so no one took notice. Quickly changing back, with no one seeing (you were a registered Animagus, but you preferred if no one knew), you slipped back into your compartment with the others.
  7. Your uncle was already awake and fully alert. "(y/n)," he whispered, "It's out there, isn't it?" You nodded, face full of fear. You had been attacked by one before, and now the thought of it already freaked you out. Uncle Remus produced a ball of fire in his hand, lighting the room. Ginny and Neville was there too. Ginny stared at you, as if asking, "What's out there?" Your uncle stood up, reached out a hand to the compartment door, not even shaking. Before he could slide it open, the shadow of the Dementor appeared, and it's gnarled, slimy, hand slid it open. It looked around the room, then bent over Harry. "None of us are hiding Sirius Black here," Uncle Remus said. "Go." Still, the Dementor paid no heed. Without even thinking, you stood up tall and screamed, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A silver tiger shot out, snarling fiercely. Hermione gasped as the tiger inched fiercely towards the Dementor, growling. The Dementor looked at the Patronus, horrified, leaving Harry as the tiger bounded after it. The Patronus disappeared as you suddenly felt dizzy. "(y/n)?" Hermione said, getting up. You suddenly fell over, and everything went black.
  8. "(y/n)!" Hermione said tearfully, slapping you. "Come on, wake up, or I'll hit you with the biggest book I've got!" Ginny was clearly worried too, but annoyed that Hermione had repeated this a hundred times already. She pulled Hermione back. "It's not the end of the world," she said plainly. "Look, (y/n)'s breathing... She's not dead." Hermione looked back at (y/n). She took out her wand, pointed it at you. "Renervate!" Muffled voices were suddenly heard. "I- don- thin- work-" Everything was blurry, but the voices were becoming clearer. "That wasn't the best way to wake her," your uncle said. "But she's my foster sister, I can't just leave her!" Hermione protested. You suddenly sat up, breathing heavily, using all your power to do so. "(y/n)!" Hermione gasped, flinging her arms round your neck. "I was so worried." You weakly stood up, and your uncle began stuffing chocolates down your throat. You looked down at Harry's body still on the floor-
  9. "He'll be alright, won't he?" you said, going pale. Uncle Remus nodded. "He will." You already had chocolates stuffed your throat, but you still felt cold. You shivered, looking up at the ceiling blankly. "I need more practice," you muttered. You stared at your wand, thinking about your tiger Patronus. Hermione had now moved to Harry, completely hitting him with her Divination Book. Hr still laid still. "Hey, Hermione- I'm not sure if he'll wake that way-" Ron said, scared she might accidentally hit him if he came too close. "Of course he will," Hermione scoffed, still hitting him. "Ouch!" Harry suddenly jolted awake. "'Mione, what was that for?" Hermione sniffed. "To wake you up!"
  10. "He stared at the compartment door left open. "Wha- what was that-" Uncle Remus was kneeling by Harry's side. "A Dementor," he said nonchalantly, "one of the guards of Azkaban." You shivered all over at the name. "That Dementor," Harry breathed, "came to search for Sirius Black?" You nodded, not even daring to say a word. Uncle Remus gave Harry some chocolate. "Here. Eat this. It'll help you feel better." Harry stared at the chocolate unsurely, and Uncle Remus put it in his hand. "It's not poison." Harry bit off a bit - and he looked as if a sudden shock of warmth spread through him. "If you'll excuse me, I'd better go speak with the driver," Uncle Remus said, walking out. The rest of the trip was quiet - Hermione didn't want to make you uncomfortable in any way by talking about Dementors, and had stopped the boys with a sharp glare.
  11. Okay! So that's the end of Part 1, Part 2 will be out soon! You just have to look, since I don't have an account, but I will edit this quiz later on when Part 2 is out and I'll give quiz-takers a link! AAAAANNNDD... pls rate and comment!

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