Christie's Story Part 5 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Christie's Story Part 5.
Isn't it annoying when you let a fellow author use your character and they give her a love life when you already had one PLANNED for her???
Ericat, I thought I saw you commented on Jungle Explorers part six, so I wanted to tell you part seven is out.
Umm, ghetto, you already are. Remember Louis' death? And your cliffhangers?
Hey, can I use Christie in my next part? I won't make her drink anything, I promise xD!!!
My final story is out.
@ Weirdhead
Well I had to give Liam a girl. And you went, and ma- wait a minute. Oh. No. I just realized something ppl. Something bad.
Okay! I'll check it out. We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship....
I dunno. Don't ask, I'm a weird hooman bean.
And I agree. What even happened to them? We kinda just lost them..... They were definitely a cute couple
Oh, loved this, can you please make another series but with Adam and Kenz? I love them!!!!
I made Addi, and Kate, just disappear. Whoops...*laughs nervously*
Or I'll become a SUPER evil author ( don't doubt my evilness)
Read and loved it! ^U^
The sequel of my series is out xD
Ha. That's only a touch of my evilness xD I can be MUCH eviler 😈
LOVED IT!! You MUST make a replacement series for me!!!
Lol I do that a lot.....
What do you think? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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