Cheer positions: Which one are you?

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Have you ever wondered what cheer position you would be. See if this quiz aligns with your current or dream position. You’ll get to see with this quiz!!!

This quiz is perfect for those who do cheer and those who do not. I hope you have lots of fun with this quiz. If you do not feel comfortable with a question just pick the middle option.

Created by: Abby W
  1. How much do you weigh? This is important in choosing between flyers. It is not the only factor however.
  2. How tall are you?
  3. What flexibility tricks can you do? Pick the number you can do out of the following: Arabesque, Scorpion, Bow-n-arrow, Splits on both sides, splits on one side, straddle split, back extension.
  4. What your core strength level?
  5. What is your arm strength?
  6. What is your leg strength?
  7. How are your facials?
  8. How is your leading stunts? If you aren’t in cheer how is your general leadership?
  9. What is your current cheer position?
  10. How is your balance?

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Quiz topic: Cheer positions: Which one am I?
