What footy position are you?

Do you wan to know what position you are in rugby league? Well take this quiz to truely see what position you could play in rugby league. You will totally be amazed.

Have fun playing rugby league in your true position, if you send it to a friend(s) they can know there true positions so you can work together in the best way possible.

Created by: Harley
  1. How fast are you?
  2. How high can you jump?
  3. How good can you pass?
  4. How much do you weigh?
  5. Are you good at goal kicking and kicking?
  6. Where in the field do you like to position yourself?
  7. Are you skinny or not?
  8. How aggressive do you get
  9. How tall are you?
  10. What position do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What footy position am I?
