What Netball Position Are You?

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What Netball Position Are You? Take This Quiz to find out what Netball Position you are best suited too. Which out of the Positions will you be???

Each result will have a detailed explanation. Let's see if you agree with the position recommended by this quiz!

Created by: Play Netball
  1. How Fast Are You?
  2. Are You Tall?
  3. How Is Your Fitness?
  4. Why Do You Play Netball?
  5. How Do You Spend Your Weekends?
  6. What is Your Dream Job?
  7. How Would Your Friends Describe You?
  8. Whats Your Go-to Netball Outfit?
  9. Do You Work Well With Other Players?
  10. What Third Do You Prefer?

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Quiz topic: What Netball Position am I?