Which position in Futbol are you made for?

In futbol (or soccer), you have the option of playing one of four positions, which are: Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder, or Forward. Of course 3 of the 4 positions have even more specific positions within them, but for this quiz I'll stick with the general Defender, Midfielder, and Forward.

So, where do you belong? Are you defensive minded? Are you Midfield material? Are you a regular goal scorer? Or do you belong in the goal, diving and saving them all? Or should you try a sport other than the beautiful game?

Created by: Valente
  1. If you have the chance to shoot at goal, or pass it to a teammate who has a slightly better chance of scoring than you, quickly what do you do?
  2. If a player from the opposing team is speeding at you with the ball, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?
  3. If a teammate centers the ball, and you have a good chance of scoring with any part of your body, which one would you use?
  4. Before a game, how do you tend to warm up? (Besides stretching or doing small exercises)
  5. Who out of the five below, would you say inspires you the most?
  6. Do play in a team? If you do, what position do you play in your team?
  7. When you play a friendly game with some friends, where in the pitch do you spend most of your time?
  8. Which one of the skills below do you excel at better than the others?
  9. Which of the following do you feel is the easiest to accomplish?
  10. Which trait would you say a soccer player should take advantage of the most?
  11. Who won the 2014 World Cup? (Just some trivia).
  12. If you had the option of being trained by one of the following, who would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which position in Futbol am I made for?