Can u become one of my killers

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hello my friend how are u doing i hope u are doing a great day tis is a test i thought of when i was board this is gonna test u so be prepared to see what comes

now this is can u be worhty to me and my gang of dark murders now this could be wrong but uhhh i really don't know but i do hope you have fun my friend

Created by: Dead_wolfo
  1. Are you dark or somewhat dark
  2. Do u like blood
  3. will u ever kill someone
  4. Do you have voices in your head that tell u naughty or bad things this can also mean sad things to
  5. Do u want revange on someone ( cause girl/man/person i sure do)
  6. Will u obey me
  7. are u stubborn
  8. do u get scared easily
  9. do u show mrcray to your victims or nah
  10. are u fast strong and skilled or just a little skilled
  11. Now are u ready to see if u are worthy to me
  12. are u a manipulative person

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