What kind of rare dragon are you!(awesome results)

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Hey I hope you like the quiz and now I'm gonna meet the requirement. Dje uh fhfydhfhfhfhffhufhfu just let us and then have know 4 what we want changes to the our relationship and how

Ima do it agkn.29 I think that you are thought to have the same again and that you are thought of me as a person who has been their friend for a while and

Created by: Animales
  1. What do you eat?
  2. A frightening dragon approaches.How do you respond?
  3. You realize that the dragon has been following you with a blush whenever you looked his direction How do you respond
  4. Ok I need to know.
  5. What do you prefer
  6. Whats your fav
  7. Will not affect answers(what do you want to get)
  8. Ok what's you favorite kind of person
  9. What have t you heard of?
  10. Trying to fill do not answer

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Quiz topic: What kind of rare dragon am I!(awesome results)
