Which Dragon Species Are You?

This quiz will show you which one of my made-up dragon species you are. Possible results are: Armour Dragon, Sea Dragon, Fish Dragon, Sky Dragon, Feather Dragon, Book Dragon, Storm Dragon or Jewel Dragon.

Answer honestly! Have fun! Possible results are: Armour Dragon, Sea Dragon, Fish Dragon, Sky Dragon, Feather Dragon, Book Dragon, Storm Dragon or Jewel Dragon.

Created by: ILoveDragons
  1. (I'm sorry-)What is your favourite colour?
  2. Where would you rather live?
  3. Of these, which one would you say is most like your personality?
  4. You're about to be attacked! What is your immediate reaction?
  5. Is the glass half-empty of half-full?
  6. What is your favourite music genre?
  7. Who knows you best?
  8. You're working hard but someone interrupts you. How do you react?
  9. What is your favourite thing to do?
  10. Pick a number!

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Quiz topic: Which Dragon Species am I?
