Dragon Quizzes!
Dragons are mythological creatures from stories told long, long ago. They live on in our art and imaginations today. How well do you know your dragon lore? Do you ever wonder what sort of dragon you would be? This page lists our best user-create dragon quizzes.
Our Dragon Quiz List
- What dragon's heartstring is in your wand[by: Paul, rated: 3.74rated: 3.74/5, published: Jan 18, 2011]
There are not many people with dragon heartstring cores in their wands. But those of you who do have dragon heartstring, this quiz will tell you what type of…
- How much of a Dragon are you?[by: StormWing, rated: 4.51rated: 4.51/5, published: Apr 16, 2018]
Test your inner dragon spirit with this fun quiz.
- What Dragon Are You?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 4.44rated: 4.44/5, published: Oct 2, 2016]
Discover which dragon species you would be, with pictures and detailed descriptions in the results.
- What Type of Dragon are You?[by: Izzyhorselover, rated: 4.44rated: 4.44/5, published: Jul 28, 2009]
which type of dragon would you be? What would you look like? Where would you live? What kind of personality would you have? Take the quiz!
- What Armored Dragon Are You?[by: Shadow, rated: 4.4rated: 4.4/5, published: Feb 5, 2009]
There are many types of dragons, all with their own special abilities. You've seen pictures of them. But now, there's a new type of dragon that is ready to…
- What Type Of Dragon Are You?[by: CelestiaRULES, rated: 4.37rated: 4.37/5, published: May 1, 2021]
Hello! Welcome to my quiz. This is a dragon quiz. Usually I only do nice magical creatures quiz but someone in my other quiz said DRAGONS RULE. So I made a…
- The Test of Dragons[by: Elder Dragon, rated: 4.24rated: 4.24/5, published: Apr 15, 2014]
Which elemental dragon are you? Fire, air, water or earth?
- What Do You Look Like As a Dragon?[by: Lander, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: Mar 18, 2016]
A lot of people dreamed about living in a fantasy. Some might dreamed about being a princess and live happily ever after with a prince, but some might dreamed…
- What Type of Dragon are you?[by: Cara, rated: 4.14rated: 4.14/5, published: Apr 13, 2008]
Ever wonder what sort of dragon you are? Trying to come up with a dragon character based off of yourself? Well, this quiz hopefully will help you out. It will…
- What Dragon Element Are You?[by: amazon, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: Jan 2, 2013]
Dragons are Mythical creatures, that have elements such as Fire, Lightening rock etc. People don't think about what dragon element they are, but if you want…
- Elemental Dragon; Which Are You?[by: UltimateShiverFan, rated: 4.05rated: 4.05/5, published: Oct 23, 2009]
There are many types of dragons. Elemental are to name a few. These are the Dragon Of Fire, Dragon Of Ice, Dragon Of Air and Dragon Of Water. These dragons…
- What kind of dragon are you?[by: Courtney, rated: 4.04rated: 4.04/5, published: Feb 24, 2007]
There are many different kinds of dragons. The one's we all know about are the fire, water, electric, and ice. So do you wish you where a dragon? Would you…
- What dragon are you?[by: Ellie_the_sailor13, rated: 4.01rated: 4.01/5, published: Jul 27, 2012]
We all have an inner being of some kind, right? Well did you know we all have an inner dragon? I thought not. Hehehe ^_^ take this test to find out which of…
- What Color Would My Dragon Be?[by: Emily, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Dec 27, 2011]
At a glance, color is simply that, a color. But through it a certain personality, a certain feel, emerges. This quiz should help you identify the dragon color…
- What is your Dragon Color/Power?[by: Shiro, rated: 3.77rated: 3.77/5, published: Apr 28, 2007]
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a dragon? What color would you be, and what could you use to defeat the puny humans in your way? The…
- How Much of A Dragon Lover Are You?[by: Abstath, rated: 3.66rated: 3.66/5, published: Jul 12, 2014]
Dragons. The mythical, magical beasts of imagination. The fire-breathing, pillaging, flying lizards. Or the curly beings that are a sign of hope, a sign of…
- What is your Pet Dragon.[by: DA MAN 383, rated: 3.62rated: 3.62/5, published: Nov 25, 2010]
Hey there. I created this for you to see what type of dragon you would have. So take it truthfully and you will get a dragon that's best for you or you can…
- Which Dragon Species Are You?[by: Dr Drake, rated: 3.61rated: 3.61/5, published: Oct 3, 2010]
"Since the earliest ages, many humans have fallen under the spell of those rare and fabulous creatures we call dragons..." (Dr Drakes Comprehensive…
- What Type Of Dragon Are You?[by: Icepaw, rated: 3.6rated: 3.6/5, published: Aug 17, 2011]
There are many dragons in this world...but only some of them actually like humans. Others need to gain the human's trust first, and that can be very…
- Which Species Of Dragon Kind Are You?[by: coolanng19, rated: 4.28rated: 4.28/5, published: Jan 10, 2018]
This quiz is to determine what species of dragon kind you would most likely be similar with. The results are Amphitheres, Drakes, Dragons, Hydras, Sea…
- Would you survive a dragon attack on your village?[by: Funtime Lillian, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Jun 2, 2022]
Okay, if you must know, this quiz will grant you the knowledge of if you would survive a dragon attacking your very fantasy village. Quick tip: don’t take the…
- Which Dragon Species Are You?[by: ILoveDragons, rated: 3.57rated: 3.57/5, published: Aug 1, 2023]
This quiz will show you which one of my made-up dragon species you are. Possible results are: Armour Dragon, Sea Dragon, Fish Dragon, Sky Dragon, Feather…
- What type of dragon are you?[by: KBlue, rated: 3.44rated: 3.44/5, published: Nov 23, 2011]
There are many different kinds of dragons In many different kinds of cultures. Have you ever wondered what dragon species corresponded the most with you? Take…
- What Type Of Dragon Are You?[by: sorentheowl, rated: 3.41rated: 3.41/5, published: Jun 18, 2010]
Have you ever wondered about dragons? And what type you'd be? Are dragons evil? Is there such thing as the book of legendary spirits? Are there more dragons…
- Personality Quiz: Find out your "Dragon" Personality![by: Kish, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: May 18, 2011]
Hey there! This quiz is set, to determine what your personality would be like in a dragon, in other words, how you would look as a dragon, where you would…
- What colour Dragon are you?[by: amazon, rated: 3.01rated: 3.01/5, published: Jun 23, 2011]
This quiz is just for fun to see what colour of Dragon you could possibly be. The rarest of the colours is the Blue Dragon and the most common are the Red and…
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