Burger School of Burger and Cheese House Quiz

Dear Student, you have just been accepted to the prestigious Burger School of Burger and Cheese. Before becoming a full student you must be sorted into one of four houses: Hamburger House, Cheeseburger House, Turkeyburger House, and Beyond Burger House.

Each house has its own quirks and traits associated with it. Take this quiz and find out which house you align with. Choose your answers wisely as they dictate what kind of student life you will have here at Burger School of Burger and Cheese. Sincerely, Headmaster Burgermeister.

Created by: Burgermeister
  1. What do you like on your burger?
  2. If you wanted a burger but they were all out of hamburgers what kind of burger would you eat?
  3. Choose a direction.
  4. What kind of cheese do you put on your burger?
  5. Oh no! The Hamburglar is stealing all the burgers!!! How do you foil his evil plans?
  6. Bun or no bun?
  7. Mad Cow disease has infected all the cows in the world and there is a single burger left supposedly unaffected. You have come in possession of this burger. Do you eat it?
  8. What do you drink with your burger?
  9. Your friend wants a bite of your burger. Do you share?
  10. Finally, what is your favorite "Burger World" creature?

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