What Marabell House are You?

Marabell University of Magic is a wondrous place full of people from all over!! And much like the OTHER magic schools of its type, you will all be sorted into one of 4 houses.

Unlike other schools who upon segregating into your house and only interacting with them, Marabell encourages you to explore other houses, and even allows you to transfer houses, as long as you are able to pass a test or two.

Created by: jim
  1. Under what sign were you born?
  2. You feel most energetic and focused:
  3. When you speak to people, you tend to:
  4. Which fictional character is basically you?
  5. Which pet would you prefer:
  6. What is your favorite type of Ice Cream?
  7. Which job would you like to have the most?
  8. Its just a typical night, what are you watching?
  9. What is your favorite color
  10. What is your Greatest strength?
  11. What is your greatest weekness?
  12. What Harry Potter house would you be in?
  13. What color would your Lightsaber be?
  14. What would your wand be made out of?
  15. What Marabell house would you like to be in?

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Quiz topic: What Marabell House am I?
