OwlBear Sorting Quiz

You're a new or second year student of the OwlBear school of wizards and you're to be selected for your school house!This Quiz will present a series of questions for you to answer to place yourself!

The following houses are options to choose from, Stag, Otter, Eagle, Rat, Croc - each of which has their own pros and cons to characters and housing traits, but all of which are rivals to each other in school competitions.

Created by: Azuoom
  1. You find someone who has dropped their books in the hallway... what do you do?
  2. Which of the following would most people call you?
  3. What potion would you want to invent?
  4. Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?
  5. You and your friends are threatened by a Troll! What the f--- do you do?
  6. Which road temps you?
  7. forest or river
  8. Left or Right
  9. Which would you rather be?
  10. You need help with something very very bad but ...what do you do?

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