What Ever After High Character are you?

Ever After High follows the lives of the student population of the franchise's titular high school: Ever After High. Whether they deal with the bad stuff.

The female narrator says "A new student. Well, an older student returns to school." Lizzie talks about a student she says has ree enemies. Cerl whose lol

Created by: Betterthanbarbie
  1. Pick a set of words
  2. What season kingdom do you most fit into?
  3. What is your favorite sport?
  4. Choose your prince
  5. Shopping! What are you buying?
  6. How would you describe yourself?
  7. How do you interact with other strangers at a party?
  8. What are your after-school hobbies?
  9. Pick an Adventure
  10. Pick an object

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Quiz topic: What Ever After High Character am I?
