Hogwarts Sorting Hat

This quiz will sort you into YOUR official hogwarts house. As it will see what traits you may contain and will takes its time to sort you into your specialized house!

You may be sorted into any of the four houses. There is no right or wrong answer! Answer honestly so you can get sorted into the house you truly belong in!

Created by: Diana
  1. What would you rather be known as in history?
  2. If you were to be guaranteed any power, which one would you pick?
  3. What do you value the most?
  4. Would you rather have
  5. 4 boxes are placed before you. Which would you try to open?
  6. Which would you rather be
  7. Which of the following do you find the most difficult to deal with
  8. Which of these would you most likely hate someone to question you about
  9. Which of the following would you most likely do in a tough situation
  10. You hear a peculiar cry which you thought to have a magical source, you?
  11. You are in a dark locked room. You need to get out immediately because there is a troll chasing after you. What do you do

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