Are you weird quiz!!!

Are you weird? Find out in this quiz. I recommend it. If you get weirdo please go see a doctor. I am serious. You'll see why I said that, after you take the quiz.

If you aren't weird than this quiz is completely useless. Please unlike this quiz. I am weird but not at the weirdo level. For some reason I think this is YouTube.

Created by: RAnDom 101 of MEMES
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your dream home?
  2. Why are you alive?
  3. What would you do if someone bullied you?
  4. Where do you live?
  5. What is my name?
  6. GDVEBYDNDYBUNTMITNGHsvtjyutntbfvduufbuirbn
  7. I stole your cookie what will you do?
  8. Hi are you a meme?
  9. DOOF
  10. Have you had the urge to jump in front of a car?

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Quiz topic: Am I weird quiz!!!

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