Which fake Doctor are you?

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This is such a weird quiz, but you know, hi! Welcome to the dumbest thing I’ve ever made and the dumbest thing you’ll ever take, aside from every other quiz that ever existed.

This is a quiz to find out which fake Doctor from Doctor Who you are. Okay, all canonity is questionable, but some things are worse than others. Sorry to anyone who likes New Who or the Eighth Doctor.

Created by: Masert
  1. Are you human?
  2. Are you married?
  3. Would you kill Adam Mitchell?
  4. What do you think of game shows?
  5. Pick a starred message from looms.
  6. Pick a role.
  7. Pick a bot.
  8. Rassilon?
  9. Is this quiz clearly centred around Nine’s era?
  10. Is this a terrible last question for a quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which fake Doctor am I?
