Are you the same as me? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you the same as me?

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  • Are you the same as me?
    Your Result: You and me are the same! 88%

    You are the same as me! I'll let you decide if that's good or bad. I'd consider it good. You probably like reading, writing, music and games. Probably not many people will get this so well done.

    77% We are similar.
    19% We are worlds apart

    That's cool :D and yes, i like gaming,writing and music, but i'm not that much of a reader though :P

  • Are you the same as me?
    Your Result: We are similar. 80%

    We are quite similar. You won't like everything I like but you'll probably like the min things I like. Reading and games. I'll let you decide if you think this is good or bad.

    76% You and me are the same!
    13% We are worlds apart
    Cool :)

  • 85% similar! :)

  • 90% haha weird :)


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