Are you the same as me?

I made this quiz because I was bored. It's a quiz about me. But not in a self centred vain way. This will show you if you are similar to me. Enjoy ok?

Answer truthfully. I'll let you decide after the result is a good or bad thing. Tell me what you think about that by commenting. Thanks for quizzing!

Created by: A
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Fav colour?
  2. Hobby?
  3. Fav sport?
  4. Fav song? If you don't know it youtube it.
  5. Fav tv genre?
  6. Fav subject?
  7. Are you smart?
  8. Are you musical.
  9. How do you describe yourself?
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

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Quiz topic: Am I the same as me?