Are you the alpha?

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Sooo. Do you have anger issues? Are you controlling? Use the term 'kill' or 'death' freely and loosely? Good news! I have the job for you! But it requires a true alpha...

First, I gotta filter out the nerds. So if you don't wanna be filtered, maybe don't take this quiz. But if you are daring, an alpha, or just bored, step this way and find out your place in the pack.

Created by: EJ_THE_HYBRID
  1. Someone spils coke on you.
  2. Someone in your circle of friends starts coughing.
  3. Thug corners u in street
  4. Finish this song: IM THE ALPHA IM THE__
  5. Question: Charmander is what type of Pokemon?
  6. 78913 x 4 DO NOT USE A CALCULATOR WHEN FINISHED SCROLL DOWN ............................315652
  7. Howl for me, please
  8. My password is GOTOquiZner:D
  9. If your a 'swiftie' or listen to water or whale sounds pls leave
  11. Jk that last one
  12. Um... your food is gonna be another 10 min. :(
  13. This is the last question!
  14. No- sorry.
  15. Now this is the last question. Do you watch horror/gore

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Quiz topic: Am I the alpha?
