Which song are you in Jonathan Svitsky's new album?

Anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control. It has been described as deploying anger successfully. Anger is frequently a result of frustration, or of feeling blocked or thwarted from something the subject feels is important.

Anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control. It has been described as deploying anger successfully. Anger is frequently ked or thwarted from . Some random bla bla bla.

Created by: Jonathan Svitsky
  1. Do you hate people?
  2. Are you an absolute dog lover?
  3. Do you do ANYTHING in truth or dare?
  4. Do you have anger problems?
  5. Pick a phrase.
  6. Have you ever thought about suicide?
  7. Do you have a lot of enemies?
  8. Do you get pissed off easily?
  9. Do you have any mental disorders?
  10. Are you an attacker?

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Quiz topic: Which song am I in Jonathan Svitsky's new album?

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