Are You Marie Or Callie?

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Ever wonder which Squid Sister you are? This quiz will finally answer that. Take this fun, quick, and easy quiz to see if you're Marie or Callie Squid.

This quiz is really easy and straightforward. Take the quiz and answer these questions to determine whether you're Marie or Callie Squid, then your results will show.

Created by: Squeegee
  1. Do you like being indoors or outside
  2. Do you like reading or writing?
  3. Vanilla or strawberry ice cream?
  4. Parties or staying in?
  5. Roller skating or skateboarding?
  6. Eating or sleeping?
  7. Walks through parks or museums?
  8. Movies or gaming?
  9. Swimming or ice skating
  10. Hot or cold?

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Quiz topic: Am I Marie Or Callie?
