What Rebel (Marie Lu) Character Are You?

Take the quiz. Answer the questions which will determine your kind of LEGEND character. IF you don't know what the LEGEND series is , here's a quick review: - Dystopian- Broken society- Twisted Love- Suspicion

Make sure to be honest and sure. Have Fun!!If you did not like your result, I'm sorry!!! Retake the quiz and be even EVEN CLEARER! Remember the your opinions and answers do not lie! It is what it is! LOLLLL HAVE FUN!!!!

Created by: aim lulu of REBEL (MARIE LU) QUIZ
(your link here more info)
  1. If a stranger told you your family was in danger you would....
  2. If you had a hobby that your family didn't agree with you would.....
  3. Your personality
  4. Gender
  5. Worst Quality
  6. How you would express your love to someone you care about....
  7. Your True Loves' eye color
  8. Favorite Hobby....
  9. First kiss....
  10. this is just a FOR YOU question.. would you care for someone even if you found out they were responsible for something that changed your life?

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Quiz topic: What Rebel (Marie Lu) Character am I?
