Are you LGBTQ+ test? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Are you LGBTQ+ test?
No hate to the creator of the quiz, they did a great job, but it’s missing a lot. I got 4% lgbt. And my results say I’m straight simply because I don’t like the same gender as I am. I am aroace.
Hello my name is bobby boy brown and I was very satisfied with my result, thank you for posting this quiz i feel i have found a new part of me, one day i hope that i can express this happiness with my fellow peers. Have a good day everyone! make sure to find that special someone for you!
Super misleading said I was 50 percent Im gay and gender fluid.
Person03 -
Mine was accurate.... But quizzes aren't the greatest form of this kinda stuff.
Your Score Is 75%! 75%
You are somewhat part of the LGBTQ+ community! You may feel insecure but you'll get through it! Get support from family!
But... what if the family you live with most is Christain, and is incredibly homophobic, transphobic, and even...pretty darn racist sometimes? That's the family I live with most of the time. Please, help. :')
Hot dam. Uhhhhhh try and find some friends that support you, and ignore them sometimes. Coming from someone who lives in a very Mormon environment, think about the god YOU know, and how YOU think he would treat you if he found out.
I got 67% percent- very misleading, seeing I am transgender male, abrosexual (kind of like gender-fluid, but with sexuality) (I tend to be omnisexual, bisexual, heterosexual *A boy liking girls*, and asexual), and polyromantic (meaning I like many, but not all genders in a romantic way. I am also currently in a relationship with a non-binary person. So yeah... not accurate, it is basically only looking for bisexual individuals- not hate just saying.
Your Score Is 71%! 71%
You are somewhat part of the LGBTQ+ community! You may feel insecure but you'll get through it! Get support from family!
XD "somewhat" I'm transgender FtM, demiboy, demisexual, panromantic, and still questioning in many ways. I think I'm a lot more than just "somewhat part of the LQBTQ+ community".
I know, right?
Dis quiz, though. It said I had "a slim chance of being in the LGBTQ+ community.
Uh- straight? I think not.... I'm actually asexual I'm just trying out the test to see who I get even tho I already know that I'm asexual
Hi, I just found out I'm gay but I kind of feel like I have always known in some ways. I just hope some guy is out there for me and I fall in love. this quiz showed me more of who I am and it really helped me I hope I can open up to my family and friends about this, do you think they will support me?
yes they will if they are truly your friends
I do not believe this test is very accurate as they do not seem to find much about you in 10 questions. I just wanted to do this test for fun and it turns out I AM 89% in the LGBTQ community! (still don't know if accurate)
I got 67% but anyway I think this quiz is a little misleading it says are you lgbtq+ test but then it just told me that something I dont remember like surrounding yourself in the community embracing yourself idk what that means so idk what I am Im like straight/bi Idk yet but like I support lgbt people and stuff Im an ally but idk I dont feel like I need to be in the community so much since Im (maybe?) not really a part of it
I got a 17% I only took this because I have been told that I would end up dating a girl but I'm a girl and I only date boys lol what a coincidence because I act like a boy, hang with the boys, I've been asked if I'm transgender because I'm 14 with no boobs.
A lot of people act like you your no different from most people
Your Score Is 42%! 42%
You have a slim chance of being in the LGBTQ+ community! Don't be afraid to embrace yourself for who you are!
Oof, but I'm asexual and gender-neutral.
I was okay but it said to get support from my family like they'll support me in being part of the LGBTQ my mom's literally homophobic
No hate to the creator of the quiz, they did a great job, but it’s missing a lot. I got 4% lgbt. And my results say I’m straight simply because I don’t like the same gender as I am. I am aroace.
79%. I agree with the person who said this quiz was misleading. Seeing as Im a trans guy, whos also gay, asexual, polyamorous, and demisexual.... definitely misleading.
Your Score Is 92%! 92%
You are part of the LGBTQ+ community! No matter who you love, you'll always be happy! Love yourself for who you are!
Your Score Is 50%! 50% You have a slim chance of being in the LGBTQ+ community! Don't be afraid to embrace yourself for who you are!
What about asexuals (like me) none of these questions were asking me if i felt some attraction to any gender like there is more than homo pan hetero bi or trans
It says that I am a homosexual I always knew that I was.
I'm a frying pans lol
Bo but seriously. I am.Keyboard2 -
Hi, my name is Isabelle and I’m bisexual and I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know myself anymore on my identity or my gender or my sexuality.
in an other quiz it said I was asexual did it again it said i was asexual again but I'm questioning myself to see if in actually asexual or not
Nice, a perfect 0% (not being toxic Im just saying that I got one of the perfect scores)
gay is not ok
you and your mom r gay deal w it
says the person who f---ed a online guy
I'm bisexual and trans and my score was 100 percent.
ep103341 -
I am 37 percent i guess I like my best friend a little bit+I have kissed my mom a lot
And shes a woman obviously so yes I have kissed the same gender :)
83%? pretty accurate I'm bi and i don't really feel like my assigned gender but idk
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