are you depressed?

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idk plz just plz enjoy this quiz:p this probably isn't accurate so don't get pissed if this is a bad quiz. but this quiz is supposed to tell if your depressed or not.

if your depressed i'm sorry (not sorry ( ° °) but this probably ain't accurate so sorry but it might be!!(ik i repeated msf but it's all good right-w-)

Created by: Jackie
  1. do you often feel depressed?
  2. have you ever hurt yourself?
  3. how many friends do u have?
  4. do you feel lonely even though you have people by your side?
  5. do you often feel slowed down?
  6. do you feel insecure?
  7. do you feel worthless or helpless?
  8. did you enjoy this quiz?
  9. k one last question: do you want to commit suicide?
  10. (this website made me add more questions) does your fam care for u?

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed?
