What category are you in?

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There are different types of people in this world. Find out what you are. Are you emo???? Are you a hipster????? What are you?? Why don't you find out.

You're the best at being you don't forget that. When you feel lonely or sad or depressed remember that somewhere out there appreciates you. Love yourself because no one else will love you as much as you can love yourself.

Created by: Daphnie Barajas
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many hours do you sleep?
  2. Do you consider yourself a negative person?
  3. What would you do if someone ate your food?
  4. Do you study at home in your free time?
  5. Do you consider yourself pretty/handsome?
  6. What type of shoes do you wear?
  7. Do you like dressing in vibrant colors?
  8. Have you gone to a concert before?
  9. What type of music do you listen to?
  10. Do you like when people label you?

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Quiz topic: What category am I in?