Are you depressed

Today you will be able to see if you are depressed! You will be given 10 questions to answer.I don't really know what to say soooooooooooooooooooooooooo yea

Please note that this may not be accurate. This is my first test... I hope you enjoy.Please answer truthfully so that you will get the truthfull score

Created by: Animefan
  1. Well, do you think you are depressed?
  2. Have you been getting bullied/a tragic accident or experience happened in the past year or so?
  3. Do you have trouble focusing?
  4. Do you have trouble focusing?
  5. Do you have emotional break down out of no where?
  6. The most important, have you had any suicidal thoughts?
  7. Describe you journey through the past 6 months
  8. Are you usually sad?
  9. We are nearly there, I know we usually do this at the start but how old are you?
  10. What gender are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed
