Are You Suffering From Depression?

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Many people have this happen, and it is called suffering from depression. Then there are people who are content with what's been happening and are not going through the state of depression. Are you depressed?

Many people have this happen, and it is called suffering from depression. Then there are people who are content with what's been happening and are not going through the state of depression. Are you depressed?

Created by: tomboykaitie

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  1. Click "True Or False" if it has been happening to you within the last few weeks. Thank you.
  2. You are irritated by things that usually don't bother you.
  3. You have been feeling like a failure or like nobody likes to be around you anymore.
  4. You have been finding it hard to smile or laugh.
  5. You feel ashamed of yourself.
  6. You have been having weird eating habits lately.
  7. You have been really down on yourself lately.
  8. You don't want to do anything.
  9. People have asked you if you are depressed.
  10. You have been crying more than usual.
  11. You find it hard to do the most simple tasks.
  12. You feel like you have nothing to live for, or life is not worth living.
  13. You have thought about suicide or have been daydreaming about being murder/kidnappped.
  14. You've lost some confidence.
  15. You have lost or gained a few pounds recently.
  16. You have been avoiding people you usually would want to be around.
  17. You've been worrying about school, family, the future, drugs, problems, etc.
  18. You haven't been able to concentrate well.
  19. You have been focusing on things such as death, murder, etc.
  20. You haven't been up to listening to people.
  21. You've been really quiet lately.
  22. You are afraid that something bad is going to happen to you.
  23. You aren't nessisarly acting like yourself.
  24. It's been difficult for you to make clear decisions.
  25. You feel unsatisfied with the things you have been doing.
  26. You have been remembering things from the past that happened to you and getting mad/embarrassed over it even though it is over with.
  27. You have been showing signs of being depressed as in: crying, acting sad, etc.
  28. You think you are depressed.

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Quiz topic: Am I Suffering From Depression?