Are You Suffering From Depression? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You Suffering From Depression?
I don't understand why it is said when you are depressed to talk to someone, no one wants to listen to a depressed person, they want nothing more than to run away. When I was depressed the only person who supprted me was my ex boyfriend at the time.i actually got slagged off by family members. I wud hate to feel that way again because of the way people reacted to me mainly.the most lonely time of my life. God bless any of you who are going through depression.
its never going to get better sis. it never does. im so serious. but God bless you too luv.. 3
well, if you have these type of thoughts, its better to talk to someone. Me! Ill help you in whatever you need!
Your quiz results
Are You Suffering From Depression?
Your Result: Depression
resultIt sounds like you may be suffering from some depression. Is there something causing this feeling? If there is, try to aviod whatever is causing your depresion or try to solve the problem. If you do not know what is causing your problem, seek advice and ask your doctor and/or someone you trust for more info and help.
0% Happy
Im no longer merely depressed. Im literally facing real & debilitating heartache. Many forces have worked together to make me depressed for my whole life (22+ years) but now, theres no possibly way to just ignore the issue. Im literally trying to save money for a firearm so that I can kill myself. I even refuse to eat or drink, a big starvation and dehydration risk. I no longer talk to anyone about my issues, and I refuse to get any sunlight, even though my phone says itll be in the 70s F (20s C) in my area today and/or even if its not UV rays. I keep using argumentum ad nauseam (lit means: accusation by repetition) to have my way. Its also been proven that the infamous (sunlight deprivation) will only make things worse. :(
The worst tactic however, is clearly to not interact with anyone. Couple that with my refusal to even go outside even with a tolerable UV index and Good Air Quality & if youre like me, then its completely inevitable that youll make a plan for suicide, like I have. Again, the Humidity and Precipitation Odds arent so bad either. Im just so miserable that I just have no strength to keep going.
Again, its not just the climate crisis thats making me depressed to the point of heartache. Its also abusive relatives on my moms side, a government that is the very definition of (cut off from people and reality), no chance to have my childhood cartoons any longer, the unending (stink) against those who only try to keep the world from getting worse & make it better if possible. It is the embitterment of my immediate family from their immediate problems, and the broken global economy. Its the unwillingness of people to let go of any kind of (nostalgia), and not work to create a better future for all.
Update: air pressures not so bad either. Ive already been outside a little bit, and starting to feel a little bit better, despite there still being obvious improvements to be made.
Your quiz results
Are You Suffering From Depression?
Your Result: Depression 89%
resultIt sounds like you may be suffering from some depression. Is there something causing this feeling? If there is, try to aviod whatever is causing your depresion or try to solve the problem. If you do not know what is causing your problem, seek advice and ask your doctor and/or someone you trust for more info and help.
11% Happy
Update: once again, Im literally facing heartache. I do not want anything but to die.
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Social interaction (i.e. talking to people) is a real help, as the biggest trouble with depression is it makes you want to cut yourself off, which gets worse as you do, so online 'talking' can be a really great stepping stone to actually talking to people in person again, once you feel accepted online, and have some support, you get a bit more confidence to actually talk to people in the 'real' world too. I also found natural methods much better, I use a nautural amino acid recommended to me from a website called 'cure depression without medication dot com' and it has not only helped me sleep more than 3-4 stupid hours at a time, but also really lifted my mood in less than a week, after two weeks I feel much better!
I agree! Social Interacting was the best decision I made for my depression!
I took this quiz then found out i had depression i found out it started when I was 9 and now 13 because my two sisters and one brother who is older than me bully me and then my mum does nothing so im not close to my family im only close to my dad who I see on the weekend I always feel unwanted by my mum and that so im always at my friends and it still carries on today and all i do at night is cry.
Im so sorry that this is happening to you ! I hope things get better soon Gracie
I'm really shy. I find it hard to talk people, especially new ones. My 2 best friends are the only ones that know that I wear a fake smile over all this pain. They were actually both shocked. They never would of guessed. My family don't even know about how sad I am. I seem to be very over-emotional, like crying at EVERYTHING. This test seemed to help a bit. I got the score of 81.
You might have/had smiling depression . That is the most dangerous form of depression ( or one of the most dangerous) I hope you have gotten over your depression for me not yet
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You stated that you are depressed, and we know how to help you. We can send you very simple solution that eliminate the roots of depression by e-mail. The solution already helps to thousands of people. We need your email to send you instructions. It will be treated confidently.
No fears
I love you all Bless you all
I know i have depression, it may say that you should talk to someone but i've spoken to sooooo many doctors and they all say the same dam thing. Fix the problems from your past, i've tried so hard and when i thought it was getting better it just crumbled around me all over again. Why do i bother
Well I got 80% deppresed and 45% happy but I guess it’s because I haven’t been myself and have been getting into trouble for things my brother has done whether it been HIS room is unclean or stupid things like my tone of voice towards people.. but idk if one of my best friends has been ignoring me or I’m ignoring her ik I probably sound stupid but I don’t want to tell a family member or my friends because i don’t know who to tell or how they will react I’m just hoping everything will get better
89% ok well I won't be a crazy person and kill myself because I can't imagine living without my family cause I love them so much and I would cry so hard if they died I was worrying today because of the rain. My depression will go away I just miss my friends and my sisters have been acting rude to me. Things are hard now but just hang in there and it will get easier!
our quiz results
Are You Suffering From Depression?
Your Result: Depression 93%
resultIt sounds like you may be suffering from some depression. Is there something causing this feeling? If there is, try to aviod whatever is causing your depresion or try to solve the problem. If you do not know what is causing your problem, seek advice and ask your doctor and/or someone you trust for more info and help.
7% Happy
Don't understand why you think I can "trust someone", because I simply can't
Your quiz results
Are You Suffering From Depression?
Your Result: Depression 85%
resultIt sounds like you may be suffering from some depression. Is there something causing this feeling? If there is, try to aviod whatever is causing your depresion or try to solve the problem. If you do not know what is causing your problem, seek advice and ask your doctor and/or someone you trust for more info and help.
15% Happy
you're kidding, i have nobody. nobody loves me, nobody loves me
Im always here
Depression 86%
resultIt sounds like you may be suffering from some depression. Is there something causing this feeling? If there is, try to aviod whatever is causing your depresion or try to solve the problem. If you do not know what is causing your problem, seek advice and ask your doctor and/or someone you trust for more info and help.
well yeah. i think im starting to have depression. because of school, family problems, social interaction etc...
Are You Suffering From Depression?
Your Result: Depression 93%
resultIt sounds like you may be suffering from some depression. Is there something causing this feeling? If there is, try to aviod whatever is causing your depresion or try to solve the problem. If you do not know what is causing your problem, seek advice and ask your doctor and/or someone you trust for more info and help.
knew it
Happy? Wtf I'm ok at best most days then about once or twice a week I feel like s---, I'm surprised it didn't atleast barely slip into the depressed side. Must be because I'm not a crybaby, I'm a man, an Anchorman!
I got 85% depressed, I have never been thinking of being a killer but now I am and please don't get scared of me. EVERYTIME I try to talk to my mom, she just says it is my fault. I am very positive that it is my mom that causes my depression. Sometimes my little brother. He always acts as if I am the Odd-One-Out and is trying to get my parents to like him better. I mean he always compares himself every time I get in trouble which makes me even more embarrassed. Like the only person that comforts me is a friend from a game called Animal Jam. And she comforts me every time I feel down. Right now she can't come on much so everyday I have a load of complaints. God blesses all of you who have depression! I know it sucks but just live with it, you know you are not alone!
I got 86 percent depressed.... I dont know what to do anymore. I dont enjoy my hobbies, it was my birthday two days ago and although people were so nice and my family celebrated and everyone got me gifts and cake, I just couldnt feel happy no matter how hard I tried. I havent attempted to take my life and I do not self-harm, but I find myself thinking, What would it be like if I died? How would people feel? Would they even care? and then I feel guilty for thinking that way and try my best to forget about it. I never cry in front of other people, but today my best friend told me she was cutting, and I broke down because she does so much to help me and I never do anything to help her. And obviously I was a complete mess and I cried and she hugged me and told me it would be okay and I feel so stupid for crying like an idiot but Ive just bottled things up too much and I dont know what to do and I dont know where my life is going to go, and I try to forget it but I just feel like an empty hollow shell without any purpose.
Im sorry for wasting your time, if you read this. Im so sorry.
im so sorry, ik exactly what your going through. my best friend also told me she was cutting herself and i kept asking why, but she wouldnt tell me, when she had to go, i was crying for days, i felt so useless bc ik my best friend is hurt and sad and theres nothing i can do about it, you werent wasting my time, ur so brave by telling your story and i hope by the time you read this message, you and your best friend is ok and happy
Hi, I just read it. Its been nearly an year since I took the quiz, and I took it again today. A lot has happened since. I got 82%...I guess some improvement is better than nothing.
I am a bit happier now, Ive moved countries, and its nice to have a fresh start. Our friendship turned extremely toxic, I tried to help my friend but she took advantage of it by threatening to self harm herself if I didnt do as she said, and then laughing about it. It got to the point where I was the one apologising every time she made me feel hurt. I still text her to check in and make sure shes doing ok, but I cant forget it.
I went through a bad period where I would get nervous breakdowns every time I had to talk to her. She has her own problems as well, so I always help her, but Im just sad our friendship had to end.
I still have problems now, but at least its not as bad as before, which is good. I hope everything is alright, and I wish for you that it gets better. My best friend wouldnt tell me why she was self harming and always said she didnt need me and I couldnt help her, so I can relate. It was especially hurtful how much I depended on her at first, and how she would make it clear I was useless to her.
Thank you so much for your message
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I got 89% Depressed..
Every day I put on a fake smile and pretend im happy, but I really think about suicide and cutting ever day/night. When Im alone, all I think about is how worthless and pathetic I am, and how it would feel if my life were different. Ive tried a few times to cut, but ive been too scared to in case someone sees and I get in trouble. I am also Lesbian, and I always think about how disgusting it is to be Lesbian/Gay (no hate towards others, I just think it doesnt fit me at all, and I dont like it). I also think about how my crush feels towards me, and how my other friends feel. I bet they are only my friends because they feel bad for the sad quiet girl who doesnt speak and sits alone all the time. I have no one to talk to anyone about this with, since im pretty sure my parents/family dont really like gay/lesbian people, and wont like the fact that I have so many secrets that I keep every day.
Thanks if you read this, I dont know why anyone would have even bothered to read about my problems.
Girl your not alone Im lesbian too and I M one of those quiet kids . I have thought about cutting once or twice but I decided not to because I know I would be risking my life . Please remember that your life matters ! Dont end it because of this ... this disease !
I feel like my parents don’t even support me I can say to my mam for example from experiences day I got 39/45 on a test my mam wouldn’t be yay thats Great my mam would literally say well it’s not marvellous is it.. it’s rubbish you got six wrong sometimes i feel i just want to go somewhere else where someone actually supports me
"Avoid the problem" How am I supposed to avoid my family? My family and the people around me have been making me feel ticked off and sad a lot. I can't avoid all of them. Some of them are from school, some are out, and my family. The only people I can avoid are the people that are out of school.
Vxmpx_41 -
ok so i got 77% depressed and 14% happy. Honestly idk how to feel, im the oldest in my family with a sister at the age of 12, my dad is 41 and my mom is 40, and im 15> im a christian, but i cant feel like
god is with me, even when im with a crowd of people i know or don know, i still feel alone. My parents , i feel like a huge dissapointment,i feel useless,i am not the child my parents was wishing for. I try everything, but no matter what i will make a mistake and my parents will get furious and will ignore me for weeks. My parents arent racists, but apparently in the Bible you cant date soemone different as your skincolour, i fell inlive with a coloured and we started dating, i really like him. My mom found out and is forcing us to break up. ik i sound silly, but theres a whole diffrerent story. im a cutter, or was atleast,my boyfriend and i share a best friend, simply bc i know my best friend for 12 years and hardly spent time with him, where he spends everyday with him. One day my best friend started telling lies about me, which my boyfriend believed, lies like im ating a different guy, which was not true, but he did end up believeing me after calling me a b---- , causing me to cut my whole upper thigh, when my parents found out about us, i couldnt taje it bc now im invisible to my dad, which was my best friend in my family, me and my mom constantly fight about the tiniest things bc everything i do, everything i say is wrong, i feel like a buren, maybe i should kill myself? i mean no one would care , everyday i feel like the world is crashing down on me, maybe if i do kill myslef, everyone would be happier, im constanly feeling like killing myself and overthink at noght, i cant remember the last time i had a goodnights rest, ill stay up until six in the morning feeling overwhelmed by thoughts of suicide, i cant ask for help, i tried, i told my mom and dad last year that i was cutting for 3 years and even showed them the marks, i told my mom how i felt and she
I kinda know what your are going through just hold out a little longer you'll eventually find some people who care about you, i didnt have anyone until a few months ago and my parents hate me i was a mistake ive been called a dissapointment by my dad and my mom CONSTANTLY yells at me, honestly the only reason im still here in this living hell of a world is bcz my friend who is like a big brother to me and a guy my age who has a crush on me
Im depressed and i was abused but now im emotionally abused and bullied my mom hates me my mom and dad are divorced my dad hates me my sisters replaced me for a younger happier girl who isnt even related to us. My grandparents hate me my cousins hate me and im failing school so my life is f---ed and I have no friends so i cant go to anyone i have trust issues so i dont trust anyone to tell but since nobody will know who this is I will tell i am also suicidal ive tried so many times to have an overdose but it never works.
Hope i die ~the depressed lonley messed up girl
I am so sorry and I hope your okay i dont know you but you still have so much life and you and something that might help is journaling I dont know though. you are amazing
Dont end it ! Your life matters you should call child rights or something else if your older ! There are things you can do to help and other people can help ! If I knew you I would try to earn your trust because I know some people have gone through some hard stuff . So have I , I kinda have trust issues but I trust after awhile of knowing the person . You cant s--- people out your inter life . Sure its risky but you have to take risks in order to appreciate life
~ an random 11 year old girl struggling with depression
Taken like 6 quizzes on this to see if i could have depression or not. 4 quizzes said severe depression and other 2 said just depression. Also, i cant avoid family and school. So yeah.. good quiz i guess.
I got 85% depressed & 50% happy
Thing is I never know the right time to bring it up or who to tell or anything... I should just go to sleep Im just really sad at the moment I have a bad headache from crying anyway idk if anyone cares Im just saying so.. gn
Is pinching yourself hard every 1 - 2 hours bad ? I dont know I just feel like life isnt real and I feel like Im just in a dream . Please could someone please respond to me ! Im too young to be depressed I wont say my age but Im younger than 13
Youre such a nice person, replying to everyones comments and just generally being nice so thank you :)
pinching yourself hard isnt good but I do it myself sometimes just when I am really hurting its not good but its better than self harming in other ways... and you can be depressed at almost any age. Youll get through this, I promise (even me someone who is depressed a lot saying this I just hope you can be happier) talk to your friends that helps to me sometimes it doesnt have to be about the sadness just talk to them more
I know I have a depression because I have no friends and people at school treats me like dirt (the students I mean) I wish someone can help me but no one knows how I feel!
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