Kerzhakov's Profile
Joined on Dec 15, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Kerzhakov's Recent Quiz Comments
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"Lol, i'm a guy and i got steve"
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"I should murder you! I had a sh@t upbringing but that doesn't mean i'm an idiot! My IQ is 187 so don't even! This quiz makes me sick, why…"
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"To fight for what is right"
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"Trolololololololol, my clothes are already in order. "
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"I grew up in the soviet union, this is just wrong"
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"I got German, i'm a Russian. Strange"
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"Spetsnaz, my cousin is in the spetsnaz. I'm underage"
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"Born in Leningrad. Dosvedanya!"
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"I am Russian! For the motherland!"