?Do you have Psychological Depression?

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Do you have psychological depression? Do you want to know if you have a psychological depression?Click on the pic down THERE and get your answer! !⬇⬇⬇

This is a classical quiz that is testing wether you have Psychological Depression or not, if you are hopeless with life, you must take this test and see if you should or shouldn't be serious with it.

Created by: IvyLi
  1. Do you think morning is the best time in the day?
  2. I still eat as much as usual.
  3. I'm worrying about my constipation.
  4. My heartbeat is faster than before.
  5. I get tired for no reasons.
  6. I don't think its difficult to do things often.
  7. I felt uneasy and can't relax.
  8. I have hope for the future
  9. I think other people will live easier without me.
  10. I am still interested in things that are usually of interest.

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Quiz topic: ?do I have Psychological Depression?

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