Are you depressed?

Hi guys! Suicide You Only Live Once here! So here’s a quiz about if you have depression or not. This is just for fun! Don’t take it seriously, please!!

Please comment below if you have an idea for a quiz that I could make about suicide or something...see ya in the next quiz!!-Suicide You Only Live Once

Created by: SuicideYOLO
  1. Any suicidal thoughts?
  2. How about random sadnesses?
  3. Friend group?
  4. What grade?
  5. Do you have a for sure mental illness?
  6. What’s wrong?
  7. Thoughts about death?
  8. What emotion do you feel the strongest?
  9. How will you commit suicide?
  10. Remember this is just for fun and is in no way telling you to die.

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed?

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