Are you depressed?

Are you depressed? This quiz is not a dignosis. All of the questions are based off of my own experiences. None of the songs or quotes are mine. Please do not blame me if the results are not accurate.

Trigger warning: this quiz mentions depression, self-harming, suicidal thoughts, and thoughts of no one caring. Do not take this quiz if this makes you uncomfortable.

Created by: Sad_and_depressed
  1. Do you self harm?
  2. Do you feel like no one cares about you?
  3. Why would you kill yourself?
  4. What happened to you?
  5. How do you eat lunch?
  6. When you are with someone you love, you:
  7. Who are the most important people to you?
  8. What do you do when someone tells you that they're there for you?
  9. What is your greatest(emotional) fear?
  10. What quote speaks to you?
  11. What's your worst quality?
  12. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
  13. Favorite song to build your confidence?
  14. Favorite song to cry to?

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed?