What song on Taylor Swift's Lover are you?

What song on Taylor Swift's Lover are you? Are you a sad song? A happy song? A ballad? A bop? Cruel Summer? Take this quiz to find out what what song on Lover you are.

This quiz will ask you questions about your musical taste, how you act in your everyday life, and what songs on Lover are your absolute favorites. Have fun!

Created by: Louise Geri
  1. How do you feel after embarrassing things happen?
  2. What's your go-to outfit?
  3. How do you tend to talk?
  4. What's your favorite song on "Taylor Swift"?
  5. What's your favorite song on "Fearless"?
  6. What would friends describe you as?
  7. What's your favorite Taylor album?
  8. What's your favorite song on Lover?
  9. What song do you relate to most on Lover?
  10. What is your least favorite song on Lover?

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Quiz topic: What song on Taylor Swift's Lover am I?
