Which taylor swift era are you in?

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Here you will know if you are in your Lover, Midnights or Debut era. This is not a real quiz, the results are not reliable. Made by three teens in school.

We chose this topic because we are big Taylor Swift fans. We went to the Eras Tour! We think you will have fun taking this quiz. Good luck and hope you get your favorite era!

Created by: Elia and Marc
  1. Are you an introverted or an extroverted person?
  2. Who do you connect most with?
  3. What would you do if you fell on the street?
  4. If you had to go to a desert island, what would you bring?
  5. What do you do when you are bored?
  6. If you had to travel somewhere, where would you go?
  7. How do you dress like?
  8. Which animal do you prefer?
  9. Which color do you prefer?
  10. Which adidas do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: Which taylor swift era am I in?
