How know do you know Taylor Swift?

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CALLING ALL SWIFTIES!!! let's see what you know about Taylor shall we? This quiz was made in 2024 so if your a swiftie from the future some of the answers may not apply

Put on some Taylor Swift and grab some snacks, and good luck! all so try not to use google cause that would be cheating and we don't cheat here! GOOD LUCK POOKIES!

Created by: Lovergirlie89
  1. When did Taylors debut album come out?
  2. How many cats does Taylor have?
  3. Whats the name of Taylors CURRENT boyfriend
  4. Who stole Taylors first 6 albums?
  5. what does ATW10MVTVFTV mean?
  6. What does Taylors version mean?
  7. whats the first album Taylor owned?
  8. What 2 artists featured on The Tortured poets department?
  9. Which song out of these was cut from the eras tour in Paris in favor of TTPD?
  10. FINAL QUESTION. Do we stream Taylors Version or the original of Taylors first 6 albums
  11. BONUS QUESTION Whats Travis Kelces jersey number?

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Quiz topic: How know do I know Taylor Swift?
