Which Taylor Swift Album Are You?

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The worldwide famous singer-songwriter Taylor Swift has an extensive discography of eleven studio albums that span different genres- from her early start in country, to her iconic pop hits and later on, acoustic and folky tales. There's something for everyone, and your favorite album could be very telling about your personality.

This quiz is for the Swifties! Whether you're a life long fan or new to the world of Taylor Swift, this is a fun activity! (It didn't let me include The Tortured Poets Department, there is a max of ten possible results)

Created by: Christina
  1. What is your ideal pet?
  2. You would describe your clothing style as:
  3. Would you consider yourself an:
  4. How would you describe your romantic relationships, past or present?
  5. Which hobby would you choose?
  6. Out of the following colors, which is your favorite?
  7. Pick a drink:
  8. Where would you rather live?
  9. What music genre do you prefer?
  10. If you were a candle scent, which one would you be?

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Quiz topic: Which Taylor Swift Album am I?
