are you cool for me?

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this quiz is made for fun and for the profile picture i'd love you to try it, cause it will be fun, it might be not fun, but that's okay we all have opinions!!

and this quiz is made for fun and to change my profile picture, so please don't take this fun little quiz too serious and just enjoy it, also be yourself!!

Created by: F33LG00D
  1. hello guys, i want to make quizzes so i can get a pfp and also for fun, i know i've done pretty bad in my 2 quizzes but, i hope you will like this one, are you ready?
  2. first fandoms, there is a lot of fandoms, but you know everyone has interests, if you don't have one, you are a npc, but now what are your fandoms?
  3. do you have anyone you hate, our life is not always perfect, but we can get good moments in our life sometimes, cause you know it's good!!
  4. alright, which of these rules do you think is the most stupidest rule you ever saw in your life ever?
  5. what are your hobbies, they are so important for a human who loves doing hobbies, if you have none, sucks for you pick the one that interests you the most
  6. now pick a warm drink
  7. pick a cold drink
  8. alright, choose a country
  9. okay now pick a bye
  10. BONUS: do you love cats?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool for me?
