School, Love, and Magic: Part 2

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Hi guys! Thanks for actually bothering to take this! The picture is just a pic of Dylan. He’s SO CUTE, right?! Anyway, let’s see if you still love Dylan, Kyle, or Aidan, or maybe you might like a new boy in the quiz?

So yeah. Uhh…have fun taking this! Remember to take “School, Love, and Magic: Part 1”, which should be on my profile page! Thanks for doing this. Now scroll down and begin. —-Willowsky(Cherry)

  1. Hey guys! Ready?
  2. From shock,You faint. Before you faint you see. . .
  3. You wake up in a room covered in everything you would want in your dream room. You sit up and see three sets of eyes staring at you, each has concern written into them."Are you okay!" Aidan yells. You cover your ears, you have a headache. "Oh, sorry," He whispers."Yeah, I think so.” You respond. You look around you see that Kyle isn't there. Dylan sees this and says, "When you fainted, Kyle was so in shock that he also fainted.” “Oh,thanks for telling me." "Are you okay?" Says a strawberry-blond haired boy with emerald green eyes.You say yeah but you really feel:
  4. “Anyway, uh, we need to test you.” Dylan says. “For your powers.” They explained that you were the daughter of King Griffin and Queen Heather. Yes, those were your mom and dad’s names, but you hadn’t known they were royal! “Yeah..that means you are a princess. And in time, you have to pick from the 4 of us to be your prince.” Dylan said, with a nervous chuckle. After a few minutes, they inject some needles into your arm, and connect that to a computer that the strawberry blond boy(Rory) tries to manuver.
  5. After a few minutes, Rory turns back to you. “Alright! You have..hmm…invisibility….you can shapeshift….and water….Great! There’s one more power…..but I can’t exactly activate it now.” Rory says, “Ok. So. Dylan will teach you hydrokinesis and invisibility, and I will try and teach you how to shapeshift.” He chuckled. After a bit, you hop on a cloud for school.
  6. Quickly, you head to Flowerhaven and sit down in Alchemy. Just then, a voice over the loudspeaker says, “Eleanor Beacon and Kyle Farley to the office please. I repeat, Eleanor and Kyle to the office. Thank you.” Everyone stares at you as you step outside and shut the door.
  7. You quickly walk down to the office. Aidan was there with an envelope. “Oh, hi guys!” He said enthusiastically. He was looking at you when he said that. “Uh. Umm….here.” He quickly handed you an envelope. “Memorize the contents and destroy it.’ He said with a grin. His orange eyes observed you carefully. When he left, Kyle turned to you. “Hey, babe.” He smirked and pulled your bra.
  8. After school, in your new bedroom at your new home, you open the envelope. Now that you knew your powers, you would be required to take a class on one of your powers in school. So…you had to choose. Basic Invisibility, Hydrokinesis, or Shape Shifting? You make your choice….Shape Shifting. The other 2 you’d learn with Dylan at home.
  9. As you finish writing, Kyle walks in and sits down on your bed. “Oh…hey Eleanor….sorry about earlier. I guess I was…uhh…jealous of Aidan.” He sighed. Then he wrapped his arms around you and pulled your face close. Just then, you hear footsteps and your door creak open….
  10. Cliffhanger!
  11. HEHEHE!!! I tricked you! Alright, a little bit more. So a note suddenly floats in from your window. You grab it. It said, “Hey dudes. Watch out. I’m coming for Eleanor. If you give me what I want, you and that girl will be fine. Obey me. Or else. Sincerely, Marcus.” After a bit, Kyle turned to you and you hide the note. He pulled you into a passionate kiss. And….Cliffhanger!

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