School, Love, and Magic: Part 1

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Hey! This is just a little quiz about…school, love, and magic! There are three guys: Jake(brown hair, blue eyes, water and invisibility), Kyle(black hair, brown eyes, super strength and wind), and Aidan(blond hair, orange eyes, telepathy powers)

You are playing as Eleanor Beacon, a first year in Flowerhaven Academy! You have blond hair and green eyes. Your powers(and a new lover) will be revealed in the next quiz! Stay tuned!

Created by: Willowsky
  1. You wake up in your bed at 6:30 am. As you slide your feet out of bed into pink fluffy slippers, you yawn. You quickly brush your teeth and do all that stuff then rush downstairs.
  2. After a few seconds, you realize that your mom and dad are both at work. You’re alone. Then there was a loud BANG!! Footsteps approach.
  3. It turned out to be the mail truck. You walk outside, and near the mailbox there was a shiny, gold letter, with neat handwriting addressed to a “Miss Eleanor Beacon”.
  4. You opened the letter. “Dear Eleanor,” It read. “You are getting this letter because you have been accepted into the Flowerhaven Academy of Magic. Your student guide, Mr. Dylan Spring, will take you to the school at 8:30 am tomorrow.” Then, the letter told you what to pack: A binder, a pencil case consisting of a feathered pencil, an eraser, some colored pencils, a few pens….And so on. Then, the letter closed by saying, “Sincerly, Mrs. Daffodil.” You assume she was the principal.
  5. You quietly wait outside for Dylan. It was an autumn day. The leaves crunched under your feet, and the wind whistled your ears. Then, you see a boy walking toward you. He had brown hair and sapphire blue eyes. “I’m ‘Mr. Dylan Spring’.” He said in a funny and cheerful voice. “You’re Eleanor, right?” You nod. A cloud suddenly floated down from the sky and you stare at it. “Come on, hop on.”
  6. You hop on the cloud. It was wet and a bit cold. Dylan quickly notices and gives you his bright blue sweatshirt. “Thanks.” You murmur. After a few minutes, you arrive at a very….different school. The outside looked like something from The Sound of Music. But when you stepped inside….it looked like Hogwarts! Dylan lead you to a door marked “Principal.” Inside was a plump, smiley woman with a bright yellow sunflower in her hair. This was Ms. Daffodil. “Hello, dear. Are you Eleanor?” You nod and she gives you your schedule, and an official school bag with the Flowerhaven crest(a raven holding a tulip).
  7. After that, you go to a class titled “Alchemy”. When you step in….you notice that Alchemy is basically like your science class. You take the only seat left, next to a black-haired, brown-eyed boy.
  8. (Let’s say you chose option 3) The black-haired boy scribbles something, then passes the note back. Luckily the teacher doesn’t notice. “I’m Kyle.” The note says. “I’m the class clown around here. Btw you look super cute.” When you look up, Kyle gives you a sly wink.
  9. After that, you find your way to the cafeteria. A little podium was set up at the front of it, where a blond-haired girl with gold undertones was doing a few magic tricks with plants. After she was finished, she walked up to you. “I’m Alina. Come sit with me!”
  10. At the table, you see a blond-haired boy with orange eyes trying to do something. *He’s hot.* You think. “Uh, thanks?” He responds. *Wait, you can read minds?* The boy, Aidan, nods. “I’m a third year. You have to take this class called “Ability Detecting” to find your ability. Normally you take it from your first to your second year here, and then you get placed in a class with people who have the same power as you, to get stronger.” Finishes Dylan, walking over. You gape at them.
  11. After that, you have ability detecting. Once you enter, Dylan pats you a spot next to him. “I’m a second year too, meaning I’m 13, what about you?” You respond saying you’re 13 too. “Great! That means we must have almost all our classes together.” He sounded excited.
  12. You pull out your schedule and look at it. You had Alchemy first block, Enchantment second, Magical History third, then lunch. After that you have Combat, then Summoning, and lastly Care of Magical Creatures. Dylan was matching every class except that Magical History was last block for him.
  13. As you walk into Summoning, you hear a loud BANG!! And…That’s the end for this part!

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