Which h2o character are you?

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Hiii I made this wonderful quiz and it is about h2o just add water. Which in my opinion is a great show and my favorite character is definitely Cleo. In this particular quiz you're going to find out which one of them you are! And who dosen't love that.

Let me know if you enjoyed this quiz and what your opinions are! I'd love to know.! Also I think mermaids are very cool because they have powers no one else has.

Created by: ViolaL2000ss
  1. Which of these following colors do you like?
  2. What reaction do you typically have in a stressful situation? or perhaps in a fight?
  3. Do you cry easily?
  4. Are you an easily stressed person?
  5. Would you say you're organized?
  6. Do you have siblings? And if so do you fight with them?
  7. Have you been asked to watch your little sister/brother?
  8. Do you have a step parent?
  9. What is your personality?
  10. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

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Quiz topic: Which h2o character am I?
